Hi everyone,
Following on from our initial announcement we are pleased to confirm the 10 photos that are up for vote!
It certainly was NOT an easy task to pick these of all the entries!!! To make it fair we chose some of our favourite christmas themed shots and some of the neutral shots and narrowed it down to this list for you.
Now it is up to you! EVERY vote counts and YOU are the ones deciding who will win the grant price – the Feedem Cat Hamper! Votes will be taken until 23:59 on the 6th of December.
Photos to the corresponding names can be found below.

Good luck everyone and please don’t forget to sign up to our Newsletter.
I love them all but my vote goes to ‘lily’:)
Thank you 🙂
I vote for Merlin!
Thanks ^^
O my goodness, how to choose!! My vote is friends forever.
I know this one isn’t easy haha
I did Neko…Bowties are cool 😉
Hehe 🙂
I vote for Mooch.
Thanks ^^
They are all so lovely cats and so beautiful photographs. It wasn’t easy to chose but I did. I voted for lovely Lily 🙂 Good Luck for them, Love, nia
Thanks Nia! And I know what you mean. We had to choose from a hundred and something lok
All of them are beautiful but “friends forever” are the more… natural? (I think both looked at their best without xmas decorations….)
Serenity :-)c
Thank you for your vote. 🙂
I can’t choose!!!!! They’re all so cute. Lily won by a tail-length. 😀
Hehe 😉
OMG! So much harder than I thought! So many cuties, they all win in my book ?
I know it’s so difficult!
Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
They are all very beautiful Kitties
I vote for Merlin, but they are all so cute! It was very difficult to narrow my vote down to Merlin…but in honor of our two much-missed black kitty-boys, Zorro and Spooky, I vote for Merlin.
Thank you <3. And yes not easy at all haha!
I voted…too bad we can’t get a sneak a peek at the results so far. Good luck to all! =^,,^=
Ah I wouldn’t want to influence voters hehe 😉
This was hard! They’re all fantastic. What good pets. I had to go with Mooch…is he on drugs? He is so well behaved. Letting his ears be poked through the holes. Mom says this is a lesson for me….I shouldn’t throw my hats back in mom’s face….I could look cute too. bah humbug!
Haha. Thank you 🙂
Mooch is a very calm cat … she is harness walked so used to having a walking jacket on. Took to the hat with no probs at all!
These are all great!
I vote for Melchett
Thanks ^^
Holy cats! Hard too choose from all the great kittehs, but I finally went for Melchett.
No matter who wins, they are all winners, for sure.
Indeed difficult! Thanks for casting your vote. 🙂
I want to vote for everyone, but I can’t so Honey it is 🙂
Thank you <3
Looks like the cats are getting into the holiday spirit! Hope they are enjoying it.
Hopefully 😉
That’s a tough vote
Indeed! Imagine us having had to go through over a hundred tho haha ;o
true… glad it’s not me
good luck to all the kitties,it was hard to choose,xx Speedy
Thanks ^^
+1 for Joshi — but they’re all so adorable!!
Thanks ^^
It was really hard to choose – but we went with Merlin! Black Cats Furever!!!!
Thank you for your vote. ^^
I want to vote for Sonu AND Joshi , so I voted for Sonu! 🙂
I know a difficult choice!
Yeah, all of them were soooo cute! 😉
They ALL deserve to win, but the FIRST CAT—the CALICO—Honey—she gets my vote. I hope SHE is not bat crazy like Kit Kat. She is gorgeous though!
Thanks ! ^^
It’s really hard to choose: Sonu.
Haha thanks for your vote. 🙂
I wonder if it is too late to post a photo?
Unfortunately for this one it is. :(. But you can still vote. 🙂
Not easy…I will go with Mooch because I love those reindeer ears! All cute though 🙂
Thanks ^^
This reminds me that I need to buy a hat!
Haha 😉
I am voting for Mooch – she has that sassy look – “I look good in anything I wear darling!”
Haha that she does 🙂
Mooch gets my vote…but they all deserve a vote for patience and fortitude…sheesh those humans.
Thank you <3 and yes we humans do sometimes have odd ideas 😉
Mooch is not really happy about the hat, but is very tolerant. Gets some points for that!
Looks very much like my Blue Point Siamese cat (Siri).
Melchett has the heart of a lion–I love the action shot!!
Yeah the action shot was amazing!
I vote for Merlin.
It’s now finished unfortunately 😮 but thank you 🙂
Who won?
I’ll put a post up for that soon. 🙂
Where do you find who won please?
Hey Shell. I was running a few competitions at the same time and was just waiting for them to finish to make a combined announcement for them all. Will send an email to every
One who took part to advise when it’s gone live.
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