Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from Princess Fuzzypants!
I am two years and nine months old and am a Classic Red Tabby Maine Coon. That is unusual for a girl and a Maine Coon. While the mating of my parents gave meow my beautiful colouring, it also gave meow hip dysplasia. Oddly, this ensured that I was able to adopt my family.
My sister, Sammi, mom’s first kitty, died suddenly at the end of November 2012. My whole family was devasted, especially mom. Sammi didn’t want to leave but she made sure that everypawdy was ok. Mom never would have looked in Kijiji if Sammi hadn’t made her and there she found meow, looking right back at her with one paw raised.
What made this even more unusual is Mom has volunteered at the Humane Society since 1998 and she has bugged my daddy about all sorts of kitties she wanted to adopt. *Giggle* When Sammi left for the Rainbow Bridge, there was not one kitty whom Momma wanted to adopt badly for maybe the very first time.
Momma contacted the lady who bred meow and despite lots of other people saying they wanted meow, she chose Momma. Then they did an x-ray and discovered my hip dysplasia. The lady was devasted. She said she would understand if Momma backed out. She said I was the first kitten who had the problem.

Instead of backing out, Momma said it made her happier to give meow a good home. I would be an only kitty and I would be given all the comforts and if my hips got worse, I would have a family who would take care of meow. It made her feel less guilty that she didn’t adopt any of the shelter kitties.
Mommy, Daddy and my brother picked meow up on December 13, 2012, my gotcha day. I have had them wrapped around my paws ever since.
When Momma retired, I decided to start a Facebook page. I wanted to meet other kitties and humans who love animals. I wanted to help homeless animals find their furever homes. I wanted to give humans and animals a smile and make them happy.

I wanted to share with others.
On New Year’s Eve, Facebook deleted my account. My crime was being a kitty. Pfft,
Neither Momma or meow believe in giving up so I borrowed her account, which she never used, to get the word out. I also started a Community Page so that my furriends and I could share and not be harassed by trolls.
Since then, things have been amazing. At last count I am nearing 4700 likes and I have so many wonderful furriends who interact with meow. I have plans to start a blog where I can post reviews for books I read and to interview other kitties. Momma and I are going to collaborate on a book too. My paws get too tired when I type too long so I am going to use her digits.

I have a fiance, Prince Buddy Peters, who purrposed to meow on Valentines Day and our wedding will be held next Valentines Day at Westminster Abbey. We are royalty mew know. He and I, and our furriends, travel the world together. Currently we are in Switzerland but are going to Africa with a whole bunch of our FB furriends. It is a purrty neat trick since both of us are indoor kitties. *Giggle*
We have met so many wonderful humans, kitties and other animals on-line. It is a big family and we care very much about each other.

I am not sure what else mew would like to know about meow. I will be happy to answer any questions.
Thank mew for inviting meow to be part of your page.
Princess Fuzzypants xoxoxox

Thank you for reading their story and don’t forget to email us if you’d like to have your own story featured.
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Cute indeed. :)))
So furry, so fluffy, so cuddly <3
Yes 😀
You are very beautiful Your Majesty! I love Maine Coon kitties! Xxxx
Thank you 🙂
So cute! 🙂
Thanks 🙂
What a meautiful baby!
You’re gorgeous!!!
Thank you :d
He’s so fluffy! I’m gonna dieeeeee?
Fluffy and cute 😀
Sorry *she’s
Haha no prob 🙂
Pingback: Guest Star: Princess Fuzzypants | Scotties Toy Box
You are indeed, a very pretty cat. Keep exercising. Our doggie, Hannah, has severe hip dysplasia. By keeping the muscles toned and strengthened around the hip joints you will benefit greatly from your workouts. Just don’t overdo it!
Hehe 🙂
Oooo what a pretty kitty! And you are right! I had never put 2 and 2 together and realized how rare a female ginger tabby pattern is. She looks almost exactly like my first ginger tom, Scottie… My second ginger tom was a little paler, but they were both beauties! Keep the kitty tales coming -I love the fluffy endings!
🙂 fluffy and cute is the best combination
What a beauty!
Thanks ^^
Thank you 🙂
Very cute kitteh.
What a doll!
Thanks ^^
It’s sad that she had hip dysplasia, but awesome that yet another kitten got a good home! Yay, Princess Fuzzypants!!!!! 😀
Yeah! All these happy ending stories <3
How can someone be a troll to you, Your Majesty. I hope you swiped them with your paw!
Hehe 🙂
Lovely little story. I love all the kitties on your site. Thanks. 🙂
Awww thank you 🙂
So pretty! Excellent mama to take in and care for a “special-needs” kitty. I heartily approve. 🙂
Indeed we loved this story 🙂
Is it bad for kitties to have Facebook accounts? 🙁
Of course not! It’s a must have haha
One of the best cat names I’ve heard in years! Aw, sweet ??
😀 and so fitting
It’s our Oliver’s twin. He’s about same age and almost identical. Very pretty.
😀 you may have to do a guest story for him too ^^
He would enjoy that he is the ruler of the house.
Ah the little monarchs of our houses hehe