Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from one of our regular contributors Roxana Oliver.
There you are all ready and excited about your sailing trip. But, you have that feeling that something or someone is missing. The purring sound and the touch of fur on your legs make you remember that Mr. Whiskers is in the equation, as well. You have two choices: leaving your pet with somebody else or taking your cat with you on the boat trip. It seems like Mr. Whiskers is about to become Mr. Skipper. It’s been done and it succeeded, but it needs some serious preparation.
Putting a cat on a floating thing in the middle of a deep sea is a brave thing to do. It sounds worse than it really is. First thing is, you need to have a trusting relationship with your cat. Also, you need to ensure the safety of your pet. Besides, cats that live indoors will enjoy your sailing trip far more than those who spend their time outside.
Everybody who knows cats realizes that there are many hidden spots on the boat where your feline friend can hide. If you opt to hire a shipwright to build you a custom boat, or refurbish your old one, you can tell him to count your kitty’s space in the design, providing him with his own small fun cabin or something similar. When you are home, hiding in darks spots is a fun thing. But, when you are on a boat, you may want to think about safety. You have to know where your cat is at all times. A collar with a small bell can be of great help. Also, there are pet safety vests that your cat needs to wear at all times. Felines are sensitive to the sun. Cat’s ears and nose can easily get sunburnt, so you have to protect them.
Just because you are on the boat, don’t think that Mr. Whiskers is about to give up on his favorite habit of running around your feet. This will happen while you are working the ropes, cleaning the boat or fishing. If you are doing something that risky or when you are in the place of strong winds and currents, make sure that your kitty is safe below the deck. If they accidentally go overboard, all the chances are that it may not end up well.
If you fish, make sure that your cat doesn’t eat it raw. Their instincts will tell them to bite the fish and play with it, but there are bacteria inside raw fish that can be deadly for cats.
Before you sail away, you will need to do a thorough boat cleaning, cat food stacking and find a good place for the litter box. Sand will not be as useful as it is on the land. But, a mat made of fake grass will do the trick. It is easy to wash them overboard and leave them to dry. As for the food and water, make sure that you have the favorite brand for your cat. There is a risk that the brand won’t be available at all ports.
Another important thing is that you have all the medicine, shampoo, toys and brushes that you need for your kitty to be healthy and entertained. Soon enough, you will be aware if your cat enjoys the trip or not. If it hides from you at all times and won’t eat or play, it is best that you find it a place to stay and take it back home. Everything else is a torture of a terrified kitty. If they don’t seem to mind living on the boat, you are in luck. You will have the best skipper in the world.
This article was brought to you by Roxana Oliver, we hope you are looking forward to more of her guest posts in the future! 🙂
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My aunt and uncle lived on their sailboat in the Caribbean for several years with their Siamese cat. She loved it. But they thought it wise not to tell her that her life vest that she had to wear was actually meant for a dog. Back in the 70’s they didn’t make them for cats….maybe even today they are just all purpose pet vests.
Honoree (their cat) love to leap over to other boats to visit her friends….both cats and dogs…or sometimes just the humans.
Oh wow! I never thought they would jump from ship to ship haha
My aunt said she almost had heart failure every time it happened. It would be in the harbor where they were moored for the night. Not on the open ocean thankfully…..but still a pretty big leap.
XD. Luckily most cats can swim even if they don’t like water. 🙂
And she usually had her life vest on too.
Followed this feline for a while – he ships in the Mediterranean.
I love Bailey the boat cat. 😀
You know he has a book out?
Oh! I’ll have to get a copy of that one 😮
OMG….that looks just like Honoree!
Pingback: Guest Post: How to Make a Kitty Your Skipper | Jeanne Foguth's Blog
Reblogged this (and hope Purrseidon does’t read it & learn boats can be big enough to live on vs. simply toys in tubs).
Thank you 😀
Actually one day I will take a sabbatical year and spend it traveling around the world! This is a dream I fancy since about 30 years… now I have 6 cats, some old, other younger… I thank you for this interesting post… makes me feel good since I wouldn’t be able to go away without them… but as you suggested, I should first find out if they will share my same dream ;-)claudine
🙂 and you have done well rescuing so many felines
I love boating. My humans took the time to make sure all my needs were met for a happy boating experience. Now I blog about where I go and what I do on a boat! =^,,^=
😀 which is great! And if you fancy doing a guest post about your adventures you are very welcome. 🙂
I would be scared to death!!?
But think of the fishes! 🙂
Hmm,….? Maybe it’s time to take up deep sea diving!
In a cat diving suit! 😀
YES! *Googleing kat diving suit”
Have you seen the cat scratcher post today? You may want to add a bungee rope to the shopping list. 😀
Hmm,…. I’ll have to check that out!
Have a pawsome weekend!?
Thank you. You too 🙂
Why certainly!?
Sounds like your cats had a good time while on board the boat sailing around. The top photo made me laugh, the cat looked like he just wanted to lay there and rest the entire time.
I want to see the world in a boat with my babies!
Really loved this post 🙂
Thank you. ^^
I love reading about sailing kitties like Bailey and Pawcific Purrsea 🙂
^^ me too
Reblogged this on MoéGrrL.
Boat or not, I want a cat safety vest! It looks awfully cute!
Haha! I know 🙂
But they’re not that comfortable. Like Mvaden1948 mentioned, they’re mostly made for dogs. My head pops in and out of the neckline like a turtle depending on my position…mol. Human mom is trying to rework it into something more cat-forming. Hmmm…maybe that will be something she can guest post about! =^,,^=
Thank you for sharing your experience 🙂
That would be awesome!!! 🙂
Thanks for the feedback! I’m happy you guys liked my article!
🙂 and you are always welcome to add additional stories. ^^ I should created a dedicated blogger account for you 😀
I like the life line and the third cat is a beauty.
Thanks 🙂