When its hot and humid outside and you don’t have anything to do. I have a great game for you! Purr…. You don’t have to have a Spring Toy you can use another toy that you like to bat on the floor.
I just happen to have this fun spring that I have been playing with on the floor that I used for this game.
All you need is tissue paper and a toy that will not be to big or to small to hide. To start the game have your mom or dad hide the toy under the tissue paper then you get to go seek for your toy. Purr….
I even use my mouth to lift the tissue paper to see where the toy went when I get tired of looking.. Ha,Ha!!
I’m sure you can find a different way to play this game or even make your own game. Purr…
Just remember to always have fun and it’s great exercise for indoor kitties that don’t get much exercise. If you have any fun games that you would like to share with me I would love to hear them. Just leave a comment on here so I can have mom read them for me.
Thank you my friends you can follow me on the links below,
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The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop
Looks like feline fun.
Thank you ? I hope you are going to enjoy some playtime too.
That cat is so fluffy, it looks like it has a Brazilian Blowout.
Ha ha! Angel is all fluff with a big personality! She is a Doll face Persian.
sweet kitty
Thank you ?
a lovely ball of fluff!
Thank you Raspberry
Funny, fluffy and cuddly <3
Angel is fantastic <3
Thank you Ciao and Sid, I hope you have a Pawsome day!
Fluffy kitten,soo cute?
Thank you Nasuko
Pingback: Spring fun with Angel Eyes | Angel's Life
Angel Eyes looks like Rod Stewart in the 70s! (But far prettier!) 🙂
Thank you
Ha ha!
Small things amuse small minds. 🙂
Oh Boy Tissue! Mes LOVES tissue!
Whoo-hoo! I love tissue paper too.. I hope you enjoy my game when you try it.
Have you ever put open brown bags down on the floor…ny daughter has 2 big cats and she couldn’t believe how they would run across the floor into the bags and then slide to a stop, over and over again….I love your post, it makes me smile every time I see your beautiful felines…
Thank you. I will try a paper bag that sounds a lot of fun.. I’m so happy you enjoy our post. Happy Dance
This looks like a game and a toy that will keep kitties entertained (and out of trouble) for a long time! 🙂
Lori, it definitely will keep them busy and they learn to have playtime by themselves.
I can NEVER get enough of Angel. Angel just LIVES LIFE OUT LOUD and has so much fun while doing it! Keep purring, playing and SMILING as you make others SMILE. And, you are also a BEAUTY!
Awwww Thank you Lawjic!
I’m going to have to try this. Good idea.
Thank you. I hope you have a Pawsome time playing.
What a gorgeous ball of fluff! I bought these springs thinking that at least a few of my brood of seven would play with them. I do think I’ll try the tissue paper. Maybe that’s the difference! 😀