Mews: Happy World Tiger Day!

Hi everyone,

Let’s take a moment celebrate World Tiger Day together with the people from WWF and Whiskas who are doing a lot to help and support Tiger sanctuaries. 🙂

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) walking.

On World Tiger Day, Whiskas would like to celebrate another fantastic year partnering with WWF

Whiskas cares for all cats, big and small, and our partnership with WWF will help protect wild tigers, their habitat and future. Since the start of our partnership, we have raised £930,000 to protect tigers as we work towards doubling their numbers in the wild by 2022.

This year saw us raise another £330,000 for WWF through sales of Whiskas products and a hugely successful consumer donation campaign. Consumers donated a massive £40,000, which Whiskas matched.

Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) cub. USA

We focus on protecting tigers in the Terai Arc region of Nepal. It’s one of the few remaining strongholds for this magnificent species, home to around 200 adult tigers.The money raised by Whiskas and the public has gone towards the following activities in Nepal: 

  • Establishing 17 new community anti-poaching units comprising over 90 volunteer members protecting tigers in Nepal. 
  • Providing solar power sets to 35 ranger guard posts in Nepal and rolling-out new improved anti-poaching patrol technology across all the protected areas of Nepal’s Terai Arc. We’ve already trained 200 patrol team members and will be distributing mobile patrol handsets soon.
  • Training 80 local communities living alongside tigers on different wildlife monitoring techniques, and over 130 police officers in Nepal on tackling the illegal wildlife trade.
  • Delivering vital equipment to anti-poaching patrol teams, including more than 75 new bikes to cover large distances, tents, torches and sleeping bags for night patrols.
  • Supporting the Government of Nepal to organise a Symposium in 2015 where representatives from 13 Asian countries committed to urgent action to achieve the goal of ‘Zero Poaching in Asia’.

This support means a lot to the WWF team in Nepal and to the local people they work alongside who are as passionate as ever to help protect their tigers and other wildlife. Whiskas’ support helps to keep this enthusiasm and conservation knowledge going with regular training and outreach – for example, on 3rd March 2015 more than 4,000 people attended a community anti-poaching celebration!

Please join us in celebrating World Tiger Day by raising awareness of the plight of tigers around the world. I’ve included some images that @Whiskas_UK and @WWF_UK will be sharing tomorrow on Twitter & Facebook, don’t forget to include #doubletigers to help spread the word!

And watch out for more news from Whiskas and WWF next year, as we look to hit the £1million mark and look forward eagerly to the next global tiger count.


The Whiskas Team 



I am glad that there are people out there protecting the large cousins of our feline companions. 😀

Do you have local companies taking part in similar campaigns? 🙂

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