Ugh I am SURE it is too early to get up…. Who is waking me up…. Oh it’s mummy! Good morning. <3
*purr* Please… can I nap for a few minutes or hours? <3
Fine now that I am up where is my breakfast! 😀
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There is evil in those eyes! 🙂
Ha ha!
“You may say I’m a dreamer…” 😉
Awwww Dreamer are special.
Mais oui!
Wow! Such amazing eyes!
Thank you they are unique her vet said the color of her eyes are copper
Good morning Angel! It’s breakfast time:tuna treats or biscuits? 😀
Good morning Sid… I’m ready for breakfast and it sounds lovely.
Two things all cats love, sleep and boxes.
He he! I agree they love there boxes and sleep.
I had a lab dog and everytime i used to read these meow post i used to look at him and imagine same lol.
He passed away on 12th july.miss him.
thank you meow 🙂
Awwww I’m so sorry for your loss they are part of your family and sounds like he had a wonderful life with you. Prayers
I used to call him my heartbeat, was very special bond 🙂
thank you angel for prayers.
What a great nickname I know you miss him dearly
You are such a pretty girl and we see you on face book quite a bit already.
Thank you you are very sweet. I’m glad you enjoy Angel and her funny antics. I hope you have a great day!
TY so very much and you have a wonderful day also.
How nice bed! hehehd?
Thank you. He he!
Such a beauty..
Thank you ??
Beautiful cat…gorgeous amber eyes. A cat we had some years ago (which died at the age of 23) had almost identical fur to Angel Eyes, but his eyes were bright yellow.
Thank you. .. Angel will be 2 yrs old in September your kitty sounds like he was gorgeous and lived a long wonderful life you don’t hear alot of cat living as long you were definitely blessed to have shared those years with him.
Yes, Webster was very special to us. He had a lovely temperament, and adored boxes and washing baskets to sit in – Just like Angel Eyes.
What a fantastic name too I love the name Webster with that name I bet he was funny and beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss of him . I know that was hard.
Our children named him Webster because they said he was black and hairy like a spider. (According to them, there was a story about a spider called Webster!) The name suited him, anyway. We had him from a tiny fluffy kitten – a long time.
Did you steal the DOG box? I see verbs on that box that a cat just doesn’t do. Drool. Pffft!
He he! you are so funny!
My cat Otis loves nothing more than to curl up for a nap in a shoe box. We should have human-sized ones because they sure look cozy! 🙂
He he! it would be something to have a human size box to nap in.
Pingback: Angel’s Eyes: Don’t wake me just yet… | Angel's Life
Absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you
That cat looks dangerously pettable
He he! Thank you she is very pettable and sweet
My cats and dog all decided that 4am was the magical time of playing like the world was going to end. Haha! If I didn’t love them, I’d still be annoyed.
Ha ha! Angel used to wake me up but resent she has let me sleep in since we have been back to our house being gone for her dad surgery. I think this will be Shor lived .When her dad is back to work then I think it will start again. Maybe hide some treats before you go to bed to give them something to do.
Hmmm, that’s a good idea!
Thank you
You might get whapped if you wake her up.
He he!
Love, love Angel’s Eyes in a box. Made me guffaw and smile and look at the photo a few more times. Thanks for bringing some black fluffy sunshine into my day! I needed it — SERIOUSLY!!! <3
Awwww it was my pleasure to share some Angel sunshine your way. I hope you had a great day!
PS: Here’s a link to a cat article you might find interesting:
Thank you for sharing the article it was very interesting
Beautiful cat! I have a soft spot for black cats – love them!!
Awwww Thank you. Angel is very unique
I will always LOVE YOU, Angel! You are the best cat and so smart and gorgeous. You deserve to have such wonderful CAT GUARDIANS WHO TRULY LOVE YOU always and forever. All cats deserve this kind of love!
Thank you Lawjic, I have a wonderful family that I love to the moon and back but I love you too!
So cute 🙂
Thank you
Lmao. They all love boxes. I love it
Thank you