Hi everyone,
Today’s guest post comes from Melianie Cho on the topic of Practical Gift Ideas for a Cat’s Birthday Party.
Birthday parties are always fun; more so, if it’s a pet’s birthday party. If you have been invited to your friend’s pet cat’s birthday party and still have been unable to decide what gifts to buy for the pet, here are a few ideas to help you out with your predicament.
1. Cat Scratcher
Cats continuously need to scratch with their claws. An ideal gift to a pet cat for their birthday would be convenient cat scratchers that can be used by the cat to lounge and scratch on. You can get them in a variety of colors.
2. Pet Fountain
Pet fountains are practical and healthy gifts for a cat. Not only do they promote your pet’s health by encouraging them to drink more, they also keep the water clean by continuously producing a free flowing stream of water that often passes through a charcoal filter to catch pet hair, bad tastes and odor.
3. ID Tags
Another clever gift for your cat would be engraved and classy ID tags. This ensures that cats are returned to the owner if lost and also makes a sassy feline fashion statement. Though we of course still recommend to microchip your cat!
4. Cat Treats
Cats love getting yummy treats. An ideal gift for a cat would be a box of cat biscuits or chicken or seafood treats. These healthy knick knacks are sure to keep cats satisfied and happy.
5. Customized Treat Jar
Another great gift for a cat can be their own personalized air tight jar to store treats and keep them crispy and fresh. You can have their names etched on the jar and have them decorated to give a more feline feel to them.
6. Thermal Cushion
In those dreary cold winter days, cats yearn to sit on a warm cozy surface. A thermal cushion is a perfect gift for cats that hate the cold. The cushion does not need electricity and has self-warming ability, whereby it reflects the heat of the cat’s body back, keeping the feline warm and comfortable. The cushions are machine washable and an ideal lounger for cats.
7. Soft Toy
If your friend leaves their cat home alone all day, you can gift the pet a soft toy to snuggle with when it’s lonely. The cat can enjoy playing with the soft toy and can gain a sense of comfort from it as well.
8. Self-Cleaning Litter Box
A self-cleaning litter box is a very practical gift to keep a cat clean and healthy. It’s a great way to control odors and minimize the cleaning effort required. Also, cat owners don’t need to get their hands dirty while cleaning the litter box.
9. Scrunchy Ball
For those cats that love to chew on everything, scrunchy balls can fulfill this desire well. They are soft, light and extremely fun to play with. Cats will have a good time with one of these.
Now that you have so many practical gift ideas, what are you going to buy for the cat’s birthday party? Check out specials at realsmart.com.au.
Author Bio:
Melanie reviews pet products for RealSmart.com.au. When not shortlisting pet-friendly items, she can be found in front of her laptop putting together helpful guides for fellow pet owners. At home, Melanie is a dedicated mom for her three bossy, but adorable, cats.
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Thank you, this was very helpful. Each year, we end up getting Rosie and Jim pointless presents for little reason other than it’s their birthday. We have a big box of toys for them, but Rosie chooses to roll about attacking the rug – or a piece of paper. I’ve realised, at the end if the day, whatever I give her, she will ALWAYS prefer the box it comes in:)
There are some good ideas here though, hopefully I can make this year a more practical birthday – although we did well last year with a laser pointer for Jim and a pop up tunnel for Rosie (as well as a special meal – someone found me a cat cookery book!) Ah, sorry, this has ended up rather long, I got carried away:)
Haha no worries. :). And I know what you mean! We always end up with loads of spare toys too. But what we do is pass them on to friends cats or a cat shelter 😀
That is a very good idea! Our problem is people keep on meeting them and then falling in love and bringing cat toys? Jim would argue against that being a problem though!
Trinket here…I took over after Abbi went to snuggle. I must say I prefer the twist ties from a loaf of bread, but Abbi will love some of these suggestions. Grumpy Bugsy might too! Tonic (puke) can’t quit playing with his tail or stealing food long enough to enjoy most of these ideas! I want one of those fountains and the RED scratcher…and the awesome pillows…and…and…
Hehe 🙂
I need them all, especially the Self-Cleaning Litter Box. 🙂
Haha ya
Maybe check out reviews and directions. I’m sure there are some that work, but ours didn’t… that is the electric one. Our hand-scooping still works!
Birthday parties for a cat? – Sorry, not my cup of tea. That is a surfire way to humanize your cat – not a good idea. A cat is a cat is a cat. It loves the fact that it is born. It likes getting “new” things now and then. It likes treats. But the whole concept of birthday is rather for the human staff.
That is very true! I just liked the idea of more practical things for those that like to celebrate their cat birthday hehe. The only thing we celebrate with our two is Christmas because I got a cute fish stocking sock 😀
That Thermal Cushion is such a great idea! I know my little ones would LOVE that. And I’d love the self-cleaning litter box…
I want a thermal cushion. :D. We got a self cleaning litter box. 🙂
Pablo’s favourite toys to date are my purse, book bag and shopping back which he scales and then hides in. It is his jungle gym. As for cuddling, he likes to wrap himself around my neck which is a bit much for now but could be great in the winter… 😉
Around the neck :0. That does sound to furry lol
Now I’m sure I would be more comfortable with it were it winter… 😉
I like the treat jar and water dish, very nice. 🙂
I got short changed! No treat jar. No thermal cushion. I have a litter box that is automatically cleaned for me by humans–do not need a machine for that. I hate collars! I will start to work on my Christmas list!
You reminded me of so much! I have to restock the treats, and I love the fountain. Now if I could just get the “self-cleaning” litter box to work.
Very sweet post!
Thank you 🙂
I think I’m gonna get me one of those thermal cushions for myself!
Haha 😀
What a great post! Wish it was my birthday!?
Every day should be birthday 😉
Hey! Great idea!!?
Those are all great- that tree is a nice festive color.
Yeah ^^ Rachel (one of my blogger) might make use of some of those ideas for her cats birthday this Friday. 🙂
I love those cushions! Great list.
Thanks 🙂
My boys get a tin of tuna on birthdays, Christmas and New Year! I’m definitely going have to check out those scrunchy balls. Does anyone know where to purchase them? There’s no link 🙂
My bet is they may be available on the store that’s listed as who meliania usually does reviews for 😉 but I can ask her. ^^
Thank you! I’ll check it out too!
You are welcome. 🙂
Oh, we like “attaque du chat ninja.” But the best present around here is stinky underwear!
Haha stinky underwear xD
She pulls it over her head and rolls around the floor — it’s very rude.
Sounds like Nubia with my T-Shirts and trousers. Unfortunately the T-Shirts do not combine well with claws… Lol
Roll on 22 sept and my kitten’s 1st birthday! 🙂
You’ll have to share. 😀
Whilst some of the products on here are great ie the scratching post, water fountain and thermal cushions, others such as the self-cleaning litter box, are just appealing to us humans and are not necessarily designed with cats in mind! It can be difficult to know which products are best for our cats, especially as they all have their own individual preferences, but I would urge anyone buying cat products to think about what’s best for them as a species, rather than what appeals to us, and that also includes having a cat birthday party! Also, when bringing home new items for our cats, it’s important not to introduce them to it, they’ll find it in their own time!
Thanks Clare. :). We do have both a normal litter tray and the self cleaning one btw and our two prefer he self cleaning one of their regular litter tray.
Thanks Marc, it just goes to show, every cat is different!
Yep ^^ and that’s the beauty of them. 🙂