Hello everyone,
Welcome to another week of Tummy Rub Tuesday! Oh, and if you haven’t subscribed to our newsletter yet, why not sign up by clicking here to never miss a TRT again. 😀
The easiest way to join TRT is by sending us photos to info@katzenworld.co.uk.
Please find below the photos for this week:
Morris joins us from Pounce to Life! 🙂
Say hello to Yuki! We have featured a story about his friends here and of course don’t forget to check out their blog! 🙂
Mr Laser Eye Kitty? That would be KitKat! More here. 🙂
Meet Lucy! More of her on Art is not for Sissies.
Meet Nicky! His mum has a big story to tell about him which you can find here.
These two cuties have been submitted by our Twitter friend Nina.
And in case you missed last week’s post click here to see the full list!
Now we need ALL of you! Do you want to see your cat featured and join our fun blog roll? Follow the steps below. 😀
All you need to do is post a photo or photo story of your furfriend on your own Blog and add your post link onto our linky app by clicking here or by leaving a comment with the direct link.
Should you not have an own Blog you can participate by sending us an email with your photo to info@katzenworld.co.uk – just let us know what you would like to have listed as source! 🙂
And to make it fair your cat photos don’t have to be a tummy shot we do understand that not all cats like showing off their belly! So any fun photo story will be fine but tummy ones will be even better 😀
And on next weeks #TRT we will be posting photos with links back to all you guys in the weekly Tummy Rub Tuesday post!!!
A big thank you to all participants from all of us here at Katzenworld.
Not on WordPress but would like to follow us? We are on Bloglovin too! 🙂
Hooray for trt.
The best day of the week! Apart from caturday hehe 😉
Yay, TRT! Also, I have submitted my blog link for Cats on Tuesday feature. 🙂
Not sure if I’ve done it right… Here is my link again, https://luluscribbles.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/bamboo-a-photo-collection/
Thank you so much for offering to feature Bamboo! Love your posts. Cheers!
Ah this will do 😀 I’ll let you know which Saturday I’m reposting his story 🙂
Thank you once again! I wish you lived closer; my cat would love to meet your cats!
Hehe 🙂 Oli doesn’t mind meeting new cats. One of my friends had his over once. Very social so unlike many other cats 😮
That is an amazing cat trait!!! Not all cats enjoy presence of other cats. Bamboo is just a curious one.
That’s a shame!
It’s too cute when two friendly kitties meet 🙂
TRT is the best post of the week <3
Funny and sweet <3
Thank you Sid ^^
my baby!!! <3 nina's are so sweet as well <3 amazing picture!
Thank you ^^
Tummiieeeeess! Thanks for featuring Miss Lucy as the banner cat. She’s very proud of her tummy.
She was too cute not to be featured hehe 😉
Reblogged this on Art Is Not For Sissies and commented:
Give a high paw for Miss Lucy and her tummy, both prominently featured on Katzenworld for Tummy Rub Tuesday. Purrrrrrrrrr, purrrrrrrr, purrrrrrrrr.
So many totally adorable kitties and their tummies! Thank you for sharing my Nicky! Hugs! 😀
Thank you for taking part ^^
Morris has an awesome stretch.
Those tummies are soooooooo cute!
Thanks <3
I love them all, but my favourites got to be the last one!
Thank you 🙂
Oh now I see what you mean trt. I like
What a sweet batch of adorable loving sweetheart kitties! <3
Thank you ^^
Desde http://bellaespiritu.com/2015/06/30/agosto-de-blogs-y-premios-xxviii-bomba-amaretto/ he nominado tu blog a un premio.
Un saludo para ti desde Argentina.
Thank you ^^
You do have a lot of cats… hahahaha
The tummies are extremely tempting again this week, Marc. We’re off to rub… 😀 Pawkisses for a HT…W…:D <3
Thanks 🙂
Love cat tummies 🙂 I do the occasional blog post about my cat, this one isn’t a TRT but you can see her tummy! https://annabelsglassdesigns.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/cat-limping/
Merci beaucoup!
Monsieur Pablo is eight weeks old and has not yet allowed a tummie shot! He was not all that safe in his previous environment so it may take some time. However, I do have a shot of him on his ‘jungle gym’ that I am looking forward to using. 🙂
😀 can’t wait
Alas, he must call the shots and not before he is ready.