Guest Star: Avalon

Hi everyone,

Please find below the guest story of Avalon! 🙂

“Avalon is the spawn of Satan. Either you throw your cat out, or I’ll throw you out!” my landlord said.


Yet this feline ‘spawn of Satan’ taught me several important lessons about life and love. The most important of those lessons is that love is a decision – you decide to love and take care of someone, no matter what.


During the first years of Avalon’s life, it was a challenge to remind myself of that decision. Describing my cat as jealous and possessive would be too mild. He wanted to be with me at all times. When another pet tried to approach me, it became a matter of life or death. If I came back from having left the house for a few hours, he looked gaunt as if my short absence meant that I was never to return. On top of that, he vomited on our guinea pig, vocalized every complaint with a set of decibel heavy meows, stole from the fridge, scared visitors half to death, and threw my dates out by means of special techniques.


But no matter how intolerable he was, I kept to my decision to love him. After all, if he behaved like a criminal, it was probably because he had been deprived of love early on in his life.

After several years, my patience paid off. Avalon turned into the gentle cat he was meant to be. It all started when I noticed that Avalon was able to pick up on my feelings somehow. Whenever I thought one of the neighbors’ cats was handsome, Avalon’s behavior was clearly more erratic. But he was much more relaxed when I thought a cat was average-looking. Out of respect for Avalon, I never paid attention to other cats anymore. Sure, I noticed them, but no feelings were ever involved. From then on, I made it my mission to express my love for him as intensely as possible. It was the best thing that could have happened to Avalon. The dark gloom that continually covered his eyes in the past had given way to a tender, loving gaze. His muscles, once tense, had relaxed. Now that he was loved exclusively, Avalon finally was where he wanted to be in life.


I often wonder how Avalon’s life would have turned out if I hadn’t made the decision to be there for him. It would have been easy to abandon such a difficult cat. But by keeping my promise, I was able to turn him into one of the happiest cats the world has ever known. And, in turn, he turned me into one of the happiest humans.


Love can be just that easy. It all boils down to one thing: the decision to love.

You can read more about Avalon in the book AVALON: A HEARTWARMING TRUE CAT STORY, which is now available through Amazon in both paperback and ebook.


You can find Avalon on Twitter @AvalonTheLion,
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Places where you can find Avalon’s book:

We hope you enjoyed Avalon’s story.

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35 thoughts on “Guest Star: Avalon

  1. floridaborne says:

    That is a great story and a fine testament to love.

    One of the cats who owned me was a lot like that. When her delicate psyche was bruised (which happened often), you’d find the expression of her dissatisfaction lurking in your shoe. Flip-Flops became a household necessity–cheap and easy to replace, easy to spot the excrement and easy to clean it off. 🙂

  2. Kate Crimmins says:

    Lovely story and beautiful cat. I had a difficult cat. I had two cats at the time and Lacy had to be top cat. She never mellowed a lot but I had her for 18 years anyway and never regretted it. My other cat, however, wanted to take her to the shelter!

  3. Lavinia Ross says:

    Some cats are good at sharing, some are fiercely jealous. With 9 cats, I am lucky all get along pretty well, with little jostling about. Glad Avalon’s human kept him. And they are good at picking up on our thoughts!

  4. lawjic says:

    This is a wonderful story. Its very heartwarming. I think Jackson Galaxy should see this story. If anyone knows how to reach him, he would LOVE this and would likely contact the cat guardian and thank you for trusting your instincts and loving this cat NO MATTER WHAT. I think the WORLD of you!! It takes an amazing person to tolerate and not re-home a difficult cat. Others would just dump this beauty at a shelter and label Avalon as difficult and not adoptable. Vanessa, in my eyes, you are a SAINT and you saved Avalon’s life. And he saved yours due to your patience, LOVE and kindness.

    This story deserves to be told in a book and I am thrilled you have written his story to share with the world. I am sure Jackson Galaxy does know Avalon’s story, thanks to you. I hope he is still with you and continuing to live, love and laugh with you!!

    These kinds of REAL LOVE stories are what I LIVE FOR!

  5. James Frum says:

    It is said that love conquers all. I do believe this. If Avalon had been a feral cat free to roam with no real home, the owner could have observed the in-tolerances from a distance and just taken care of Avalon’s basic survival needs because she loved cats. Funny: a fair comparison is kinda like boarding or reform school for cats with visitation privileges for the owner.

    In the end that wouldn’t have been what the owner or Avalon would have wanted. The more you think about it, it takes being there with/for the cat to develop a bond to test the theory of love. That persistence must have helped Avalon. That persistence also showed the owner some things about herself. Her tolerance was stretched. She proved to herself a couple of things. One was that she was in some way responsible for the future of something she loved and not give it away. The second thing she proved to herself was that she expanded her tolerances and a greater depth of love in herself to give back. She may have felt it was her opportunity to give back in a way that she had wished for herself. Sounds like a win- win. Great story.

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