Angel’s Eyes: Whisker+Box Review

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I have something exciting to share with you. First let me get off my lounger and show you.

Now that I’m off my lounger I can really show you what this Whisker+Box is. It’s the answer to all cardboard boxes that cats crave. But also they can be for small dogs too..


This Box can replace your old shoe box that is torn up and seen better days. I promise you won’t be sorry. You lay in it and you can instantly get a sense of calm feeling.


Can you believe this box has snaps that can be open for easy packing or even lay out for a mat ? Well believe it! Its very true !! You can pick one of 4 colors too. Constructed of coated cotton canvas with an eco-felt core, the box is flexible but firm enough to hold its form. Simply press back into original shape should your pet get imaginative with sleeping poses.


See you don’t always have it totally snapped to use it. There are many ways that you can enjoy the Whisker+Box. Purr…


Look what I can do… I bet you can’t see me! I mean you can’t see my nose!! Purr… Gotcha… See it’s a lot of fun. I think you should get one so we can play Peek a boo together.


Just remember to have fun and enjoy and nap whenever you like too…


Angel’s Eyes-Persian

Your purchase helps others!

A portion of all Whisker+Box sales will be donated to select local animal shelters! So get yours now here.

The Whisker+Box was also featured in the Moderncat magazine. I hope I can learn to read fast so I can read about it in there magazine. You can follow Whisker+Box and see where you can get one just follow one of the links below..


The full range of Necoichi raised bowls and accessory now available @ Katzenworld Shop

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19 thoughts on “Angel’s Eyes: Whisker+Box Review

  1. Pingback: Angel’s Eyes: Whisker+Box Review | Angel's Life

  2. Laura McDaniel says:

    Agree, what a gorgeous model. The blue is perfect against his sleek black fur… lol.
    Too cute!
    My cat still prefers ALL those boxes you ‘don’t’ want him in – so this one I would have to pretend IS a shoe box…

  3. lawjic says:

    Angel is having a great time, obviously. He is just gorgeous and a wonderful model. He makes you want to buy EVERYTHING he has!! I love this. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Faith says:

    Oh my gosh. First off. You’re too adorable and so gorgeous angel!! 2nd whoa I wonder if my kitties will adore this. They’ve been playing with every other silly box we get and I struggle with the thought of getting a bed. Cause my little monster who past recently never used a bed. so I’m wondering if this is a good solution for the new babies. :). Thanks for your post. I love it !!

  5. Robin says:

    Very cool box! That is a neat idea for a product. My kitties love boxes (what cats don’t). That would be a lot easier to clean than an ordinary cardboard box.

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