Oliver & Nubia: The new artwork is here!

Hi everyone,

Following on from our post a few weeks back on the new artwork for Mao & Snowball we are pleased to let you know that Nubia & Oliver too are now finished! 🙂

Big thanks goes to Bea from Bea Gifted for the amazing work she is doing on the artwork.

So with no further delay here are Oliver & Nubia!



So what are your thoughts on the latest artwork? 😀 (Yes the missing black chin has been spotted by Sid. ;o )

As before all of these will be added soon to our Online Shop as keyrings and other merchandise. And remember purchasing from our online store sees much of the profit go to charity! 🙂 (We have also managed to reduce shipping costs to all locations so worth checking it out if you thought costs were too much before.)

We will be posting more artwork soon. Take a guess who will be next!

Oh and don’t forget to sign up to our Newsletter here (if you haven’t done so already. :D)




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36 thoughts on “Oliver & Nubia: The new artwork is here!

    • Marc-André says:

      Awwww thank you! 😀

      I am currently working on sourcing cheaper keyrings so hopefully if all goes well when you buy them from the shop they will be around the 2£ mark each with most of the money going to charity. 🙂

  1. Pingback: Oliver & Nubia: The new artwork is here! | Myblog's Blog

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