Mews: Game of Tuna!

Hello everyone,

We came across this brilliant artwork on a fellow Bloggers page!

Anyone else a fan of the Game of Thrones? 😉

I sure thought the inspired fan artwork of him was fantastic. 😀


You can find Loui’s Blog here!

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32 thoughts on “Mews: Game of Tuna!

  1. hairballexpress says:

    The human started reading that a few months ago – she didn’t get very far though, since the Creature’s Mom got a purrmotion in her job and she has to be at work earlier and stay later now – that means my humans ‘ day with the Creature starts earlier (5:30 am) and ends at 6 pm – not much time fur reading!

  2. Gussy says:

    Oh my cat! Love it! My hoomans are big fans, so izz has been exposed to it….. Every night the reruns… Preparing for when we get the new season which you are already watching. The expressions on their faces are so good! Compliments to the artist! Gussy

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