Hi everyone,
Today we have teamed up with Petplan UK who offers great insurance packages for cats here for a fun competition. 😀
If you are in the UK this is YOUR chance to win a £100 voucher for PetPyjamas so don’t delay and enter! 😀
For your chance to win simply guess what the jobs of our cats are in the following photos. 🙂

To enter is really simple! Just guess what Oliver’s & Nubia’s jobs are in the above photos and we will pick our favourites guesses over this week! Closing date for comments will be 20.00 on Tuesday 21st of April.
Our top 5 choices will be posted as a caption post and we will ask YOU the audience to choose your favourite to win the PetsPyjamas voucher. 😀
Please note that eligible winners have to be located in the UK and be 18+ (If you are not in the UK please feel free to still join in one the fun but do let us know that you are not in the UK!)
Never want to miss a post again? Sign up to our Newsletter here!
Good luck everyone. 😀
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Hi Marc
Is this a good place to email u privately?
Just wanted to ask you something without posting it. 🙂
Sent from Marjorie’s iPhone ?
Hey there just drop me an email to marc@katzenworld.co.uk 🙂
Spider detail is my guess
Thank you for your like
As always Sheldon
Haha. Thank you ^^
I’m not from the UK, but I gotta answer – “flyswatter” and “filer on coffee break” 🙂
Haha. Thank you! There will be a worldwide competition launching soon. 🙂
I can’t enter as I don’t live in the UK but I think Oliver is a “Pest Control Specialist” and since it looks like Nubia is under some travel brochures she’s a “travel agent specializing in cat related travel” (like you did in Japan).
Awww love them. Wish I could enter none UK people but the voucher is for a UK pet store :x. There will be a worldwide one launching soon. 🙂
I don’t live in the UK, but I want to join in the fun anyway.
I would say Nubia is either an auditor or CPA (certified public accountant), and Oliver is an interior decorator / lint removal specialist.
Haha thank you Erica! 😀
You’re welcome, Marc-Andre.
Oliver is a pest control operative and Nubia is a Junk Mail Sorter!
🙂 Thanks Denise
Here you go – proof that this was my comment! I believe the other one was ‘pest control’. Denise Sanders
Sent from my iPad
Hey Denise. Have you seen my response on the other comment? I had exported it all to excel and managed to mix up names. :(. This means though you both made the third place as it was almost the same caption! Will send you an email with the discount code that was listed for 2nd and 3rd. 🙂
Oliver, is spider cat, spider cat does whatever a spider cat does! – a secret superhero kitty of course 🙂 Nubia, is the kitty shredder for all you mail shredding needs, just on a well earned break in the picture of course 🙂
Love it 🙂 thank you
Pest control and frazzled PA!!
Haha! Frazzled PA. I could use a bone frazzled one atm XD
Don’t know how that sleepy emoji got there ! God I hate using my phone keypad lol!!! ?
Me too it was meant to say none rather than bone LOl
Glad I’m not the only one! ?
Oliver is always delighted to lend a helpful paw in his role as insect rescuer. Nubia is a professional paperweight.
Thank you ^^
Reblogged this on Fonte da arte.
Thank you 🙂
Oh gosh they are so sweet!
My guess is that little Oliver is a Bug hunter 😛
& Nubia is there to scrutinise your amazon purchases 😉 Just kidding, she has to be none other than your very own FA (feline assistant)!
Sorry the comment was pending approval. :). All good now ^^
More effective than French Air Traffic Control
Nubia is purrrrusing her fan mail
Thanks Tim 😀
Oliver is a Pied Flycatcher.
Nubia is an undercover spy
Thank you 🙂
Oliver is definitely in pest control. Nubia is a private detective (for which being a black cat is a major advantage as she can sneak around in the dark)
Haha. Thanks. 🙂
Structual Engineer (specialising in ceilings)
Temporary Shredding Machine
Thank you Jenni ^^