Hi everyone,
Today we are featuring another guest story from our friends over at Boxes2Move! They have based this on their current human campaign for which you can find more details at the bottom of the post. 🙂
Does your cat have more belongings than you? you constantly find yourself tripping up over toy mice when you are walking down the stairs?
If the answer to the questions above is yes, then it might be time for you to have a cat toy intervention!
We are all guilty of wanting to spoil our beloved kitties and buying that extra toy but are we forgetting how many wonderful toys they already have? Do our cats put them to good use?
(Leonardo: Of course we do!)
As a cat owner, you’ll be all too familiar with the cardboard box phenomenon. You find an amazing toy that would be perfect for your feline, yet when you get it home they don’t show any interest in it whatsoever. Even worse – they shun your fantastic new toy in favour of climbing into a cardboard box you just happen to have lying around. The nerve!
It’s time to take the plunge and nurture you and your kitty’s karma. Instead of hoarding all of your cat’s trinkets, make the executive decision and sort them into three categories; fave, throw and favour.
Take three separate cardboard boxes and mark them with the aforementioned categories (if your cat has a lot of toys, make sure you choose sturdy boxes that won’t break!). Gather together all of your cat’s toys and sort them into the appropriate boxes. Fave for the toys your cat loves and plays with regularly, throw for toys that are more mangled, and finally favour for the toys that are in good condition but, for some reason, your cat just hasn’t taken a shine to.
After you’ve sorted the toys into the right boxes you can decide what you want to do with the most important box of all, favour. You could donate your cat’s unwanted toys to a cat shelter, so that all of the homeless cats can have as much fun playing as your own does, or you could give them to a friend who you know has a cat who would appreciate extra toys.
Even if your cat does protest at first, you can have peace of mind knowing that your donations will be helping cats that are less fortunate and we are sure your kitty would be happy if they knew that too.
The ‘Fave, Throw, Favour’ initiative is being run by Boxes2Move, and while it’s predominantly aimed at humans who are looking to clear out old clothes, there’s no reason why your furry friends can’t get involved!
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The picture of Leonardo with his mouse, the look on his face, lol
My two kitties favor stuffed mice (which often end up on my pillow after having been dipped into their water bowl) and feathers on a stick. Everything else gets snubbed.
You sure it was their water bowl and not excessive cat chewing ;o? I get the mice with that on it 🙁
Oh, I’ve seen the mice dragged through the water bowl. Ick.
How mean of them XD. Haha
That’s the first thing they do upon receiving a new toy mouse! In it goes for a drink, or bath, or torture, and then in the middle of the night the darned thing gets plopped onto my pillow. A show if affection, I hope.
In my house it’s the furry beasts (aka dogs) that have ALL of the toys – OF COURSE. My brother, Sherman, likes to drag his toys out one by one and spread them all over the living room. Little Mom complains that it’s like living with a three-year-old. Sherman is three, so I don’t really understand what she means.
Lmao :). Poor You! Sounds like the dogs need training 😮
There’s not enough training in the world to tame these furry beasts! Especially the one that calls himself The General!!
Hypnosis? If you made them think they were a Kat maybe life would be easier :0!
You may be onto something there!
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LOL, no matter the toys, they are always more inclined to like those things you DON’T want them playing with – your plants, decorations, your GOOD clothes, etc. LOL
Electronics especially =.= lol
OMG, seriously!! That’s the most expensive… (and I wonder why I still keep Archer?) HA HA
Ms. Cali needs a Toy-tervention. The problem is she is so old and has lost most of her senses, she cannot PLAY….its heartbreaking. And, still I will get her new toys. Why? It makes me FEEL like I am making HER happy. She can’t see or hear them; its just that I WISH Ms. Cali could have FUN TOO. Instead, and as you know, all Ms. Cali does is HOWL….
Poor Ms Cali 🙁
That is a good idea, but having “hoarder” tendencies myself; I would keep the lot. I remember the toys favored by my cats who passed away, and see them played with in old Christmas photos. I think I would need the intervention first. Truth told, the raggedy and broken ones could go. . . .
Tell me about it! I’m just like that haha 🙁
Mom thought this was an excellent idea. I did not!! These are MY toys…not hers. Some I don’t play with at the moment because I’m mad at them…..the mouse, for example….he bit me back. Mom says its better to donate to those less fortunate and give them something to play and have fun with. I guess mom….no, not that one….well ok, that one has a missing ear. Mom is getting the toys ready for transport.
With 15 cats,everything gets played with 🙂
The mom would say we have too much stuff…we think we need more.
My two think the same haha 😉
My cat must be weird as he is very happy to play with a piece of feed corn or a soggy wad of paper towel (we play fetch with that for 30 minutes at a time almost every morning while I try to eat breakfast). So, no toy-tervention here.
XD lucky you
Thanks for the tip…. Yes izz has toyz both Nina and izz don’t like…. Maybe izz should talk to her about giving them to our local animal welfare. Those kitties might like them. Izz will talk to mumma about it. ?
😀 good idea
I’m not sure this will work. Every time my husband puts the toys back in the cat tree, Snoops waits until he is done and then pulls them all back onto the floor. I think she has them counted. 🙂
LOL. She probably does count them. Maybe she read our blog haha