Angel’s Eyes: The drawing of me! <3

Hello everyone,

I have something amazing to tell you! Thomas Dalsgaard Clausen from One Drawing Daily created a lovely drawing of me last week. 😀


I am sure you will agree with me that he is very talented and you should pay him a visit here. Maybe he will even draw you! 🙂

He also has a second page now where he does super cool pet portraits!

P.S: Don’t forget to sign up for our Newsletter here.

See you soon!



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39 thoughts on “Angel’s Eyes: The drawing of me! <3

  1. Pingback: Angel’s Eyes: The drawing of me! | Angel's Life

  2. Pingback: A Ballpoint Sketch of Shoko | The Canadian Cats

  3. OneDrawingDaily says:

    Thanks everyone for your kind words about my drawing! If some of you blog about something (cats or other) and would like me to draw something, perhaps I’ll give it a go.. Feel free to contact me. It’s kinda fun to make this kind of thing with other blog owners!

  4. Pingback: Oliver: My pawesome drawing - Katzenworld

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