Hi everyone,
Today your daily kitties were having a fun adventrue in the washing basket. 😀
Nubia: Wooohoooo this cat basket is just purrfect!
Nubia: Oh shoot… How am I going to get out of this!!! o.o
Nubia: Oh I know… If i swing it one way and the other way… 😀 *boomph*
Oliver & Nubia: Hopefully the humans won’t spot us… But it was just far too inviting to play with this and of course throw it over. 😀
And in motion…:
Oliver: What are you doing above me!!!
Nubia: The question is… what are you doing below me! :O
Oliver: Oh no! Look we have been spotted!!! :O
Nubia: Uhm… Hi daddy! Will you believe us that this was already fallen over when we came in here? 🙂
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Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace
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They both look so deadly serious about the whole affair! Thanks for a nice start to the day.
Haha yeah they were 😀 and thank you. Glad you enjoyed the little story 🙂
Of course it had already fallen ! Purrs
Haha of course
Haha- busted! Your Meowjesty, where are your loyal subjects when you need them? 😀
Lol 😀
Fantastico! 😀
The laundry basket is a great place to snooze…and have a little fun, too! 🙂
Yep they both agree with you haha
That washing basket makes a great cat toy 🙂
And as far as the cat are concerned it was a free toy 😉
They look like they are seriously considering claiming that as their main place. 😉
LOL indeed they were haha
What is a washing basket? It appears to be a hamper for people’s clothes that need washing.
Hehe 🙂
You did buy it just for them……..didnt you? LOL
Nope they hijacked it xD
Have they removed your post?? Earlier on I saw they’d said you were hijacking – I was about to protest when I saw they’d written a ps…..that it might be relevent after all. Of course what you said was relevent!!
Have they removed it since then?
I’ll check the post again!
Well that’ll teach me!! Cor blimey!! I saw “hijack” and didnt realise your comment was a reply to mine on your blog *feels stoopid* LOL
Please feel free to delete these 2 msgs Marc *runs away in shame*
Oops LOL I didn’t realise until now either HAha!!!
I particulary liked the clip: ‘Cat misses dog after being apart for 10 days’. What a display of love, affection and companionship – such genuine feelings unlike the plastic emotions of humans! Wishes to your lovely pets, Oliver & Nubia, and thanks for the playful post!
Thank you ^^
good fun!
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Thank you 😀
So adorable, I can never get enough of cat pictures.
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed them 🙂
MWAHAHAHA!? OH what fun!!
🙂 Thank you. You made me smile.
Haha thank you ^^
This is exactly why cats should have 9 lives – they can’t resist trouble!
Lol indeed true
I use laundry baskets as restraints for my cats when necessary! These guys lean into it.
Haha mine throw it over xD all the time!
I see they tried to fool you with those looks of innocence, like “we found it this way” 🙂
Indeed they tried haha. But they missed the fact that I had photo and video evidence!!! 😉
Haha! I’d like to see their cute little whiskered faces as they watch the video evidence 🙂
they would drop hard. ;0. Today I caught them chasing a house fly btw haha. So funny. 🙂
I’m waiting for an animated feature film about those two 😉
Haha. I managed to catch some cute annoyed meows of Nubsey trying to get the fly on the ceiling 😮
Have they figured out that the side with the clothes makes a really nice warm bed?
Haha! Yes they have 🙂