(This post is also available in German on Katzenworld Deutschland)
Hello everyone on Katzenworld,
I am Sarina a fellow Blogger from Saris Corner from the Netherlands (originally from Germany) and I am into Photography and DIY stuff, and my cats 😉 So today I want to blog about something that combine all of these.
Did you ever heard about IKEA-Hacks ? Well there are several people out there that like to reuse IKEA products for something else then their initial purpose. If you search the web page with the search term cat you get 1,850 results so apparently there are a lot of things you can do with IKEA stuff for your cat. I saw two of them that really got me hooked:
1. The DUKTIG Cat bed (initially from this post, but see here (http://www.ikeahackers.net/2007/02/ikea-pet-bed.html as well)
2. The HOL Litterbox (see here (http://www.ikeahackers.net/2010/03/a-hol-for-kitty.html))
So earlier this month I went to IKEA and did some shopping. I will first tell you about the DUKTIG bed. It is originally a doll bed and you can usually find it in the children’s department of IKEA. After getting home I unpacked it and my two boys (Jack and Tom) were excited about everything and tried to help me with unpacking and assembling. Assembling of the bed is as easy as it gets, four screws with the IKEA typical imbus that is included and you are done.
The boys did some first testing and they seemed to like it but it also looked a bit uncomfortable. So the next day I decided to make them a cushion for the bed. For that I took some left over fabric that I still had at home and sewed it together. I left a small opening to turn it around and fill it with the filling of a cheap cushion I bought at the IKEA as well. After filling it up I closed the rest of it by hand. Again the boys were curious and wanted to test the cushion immediately. I then placed the bed at it’s planned location and after a day or so Jack started to use it as his regular hangout point (yes, he is sleeping there while I write this up!)
The second thing I wanted to do was to get the HOL box and make a litter box – this is what we will look at next week! So stay tuned for the outcome. 🙂
I hope you enjoy my little creation and greetings from the Netherlands!
Sarina (with Jack and Tom)
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Will you have to make another one for Tom? Jack looks so comfy in his new little nest. 🙂
She may need to haha 🙂
Haha… yeah I thought so too but I don’t really have the space for it and now they usually share it together 🙂
Awwww so nice of them. 🙂
Very cute and good idea but Miss Muppet likes to “touch” me, so her places are: the sofa and our big bed (king size)…..so that little bed won’t be enough for her LOL
Yes they like that as well but I don’t let them sleep in my bedroom at night and this one is standing right in front of my bedroom door and they usually sleep in there during the night now while waiting for me to get up. 🙂
Mine would claw the door if the bedroom was closed off xD
I know lots of people don’t let their cats sleep in the bedroom. I do as, I don’t mind and…. I don’t close doors! 😉
Reblogged this on Pimpf : Drifting somewhere… and commented:
Awesome ideas for our fellow cat friends 🙂
Très bonne idée pour nos amis les chats 🙂
Reblogged this on Sari's Corner and commented:
Today I did a guest post over on Katzenworld.co.uk (this post is also available in German, the link can be found in the post!)
I’m a fan of this site, I never thought that so much things are possible with a Billy or a Holrkstenbara-something :o) The catbed is an artpiece BRAVO!
Thank you! I just start exploring the possibilities but I really like the idea of it! Unfortunately I also heard that they have some troubles with IKEA 🙁
Oh noes what’s happening at IKEA :O. Don’t tell me they are stopping that bed range! I still need to buy one haha xD
No it’s not the bed 😉 It’s about the IKEA-Hacks page… IKEA doesn’t like that they use their trademark and make money with it (because they somehow have to pay for hosting the page…?) have a look here: http://www.ikeahackers.net/2014/06/big-changes-coming-to-ikeahackers.html
Oh no! Hope IKEA rethinks that
I hope that’s not the end of this site, it’s great to see how swedish minimalism becomes an eyecatcher :o)
I hope so too!
🙂 thank you ^^
That was exactly my reaction when I saw these posts! 🙂 Especially after I realized that they are quite cheap (just about 13€/ £16)
Or a few. Thinking of your siblings lol
Right. You’re funny, Marc! But wait… you have a point considering how they always steal my sleeping spots.
One each! Maybe two for the doggy!
Thank you. This is a perfect idea for my house where the heat vents are on the floor. The heat at several vent is often blocked by a heat seeking feline body. The bed would goover the vent without blocking it and the HSFB could still have a warm spot. People who do the hack projects they get from that site should tell Ikea that it’s actually bringing them business. I would be going there to buy three beds, for instance.
I know and that is just ridiculous of IKEA to make such a hassle out of it… Glad you like my bed 🙂
Great job! I think hubby would have to help me with this.
The assembling of the bed is really easy and I guess everyone should be able to do it 😉 But it is always good to have someone to help…
Not if someone is Nubia LOL. She tried to lend me a paw assembling her scratch tree haha
Reblogged this on Fonte da arte.
Thank you 😀
TOO funny! I made a bed for my dog just this week. this one is really cool!
Thanks 🙂
Thank you. Depending on the size of your dog I guess he will not fit in this one 😉
Absolutely ADORABLE. Again, you need an engineering degree to assemble it, so it appears. That would rule me out for sure. And, my old cat loves her soft doggie bed. I love the post and support it! Wishing you ALL the best!
Thank you sheryl ^^
I don’t think you need an engineering degree to assemble but if you are really bad with things like this it could still be hard (but there are only so many ways you can screw 4 parts together… Thanks for your compliments 🙂
This is so cute! I’ve been wanting to crochet a little nest for my cats but I’m not that good at crocheting yet. This seems really simple, though!
Thank you 😀 I’ll need to try this out myself 🙂 thanks goes to our guest blogger ^^
Thank you! Yes crocheting seems to be much harder then just sewing some pieces of fabric together (at least to me). Buying the bed and assembling it is the easiest part if you have an IKEA close by 🙂
So cute! I wonder if my old baby doll bed is still at my moms… It was a bunk bed, two cats can be happy at once if it’s still around! Such a great idea to use them for kitties!
Indeed 😀
If it is still there I want to see a picture of two cats sharing a bunk bed… that must be so cute!
How adorable! I just learned about Ikea Hacks from someone else. Neato! Ellie
I really want this for Molly but she would probably just ignore it! I think I know a cat that will love it! I must show my mum for her cat Spencer
It’s a cute idea even just as as DIY project to relax haha
😀 I hope your mum will like the idea!
Very crafty
Thanks 😀
Thank you! 🙂
I love this so cute & the cats actually use it!
Yes, I was also anticipating that it will be standing unused in the corner, but I thought that it is such a cute idea I wanted to try it anyway. I am so happy now that they really use it!
Indeed :). And what is more relaxing than a bit of DIY crafting ^^