Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day from the cutie Cleo. Don’t forget to spoil your pets this Valenties, and keep all human treats such as chocolate out of reach!

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Happy Valentines Day… ummm.. Cleo … what will happen when you get the balloon? please make a video lol :o)
Goodbye ballon LOL
That’s such a cool photo. Our cat, Max started eating my long stemmed red roses the minute they went into the vase & on the table. How do I send you a photo of that? Today is also our wedding anniversary.
You could upload it to your blog and put a link as a comment or send us an email with the photo attached to info@katzenworld.co.uk 🙂
Thanks, Marc-Andre’ … just sent it to you by email.
Got it! Thank you ^^
Oh if only you could get that…. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Hehe ^^
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Love, Cody
Thank you Caren and Cosy <3
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too !
Thank you 😀
And someone wants that balloon! Happy Veneltine’s
Happy Valentine’s Day ! Purrs
Thanks ^^
An interesting fact I heard on the local TV news this week:
Americans spend more than $17 Million on their pets at Valentine’s Day.
My opinion….they are worth every penny and more.
Happy Day!
I had no idea oO. Explains all the Valentine’s Day pet adverts haha
..in the air, huh…. 😀 Heartshaped pawkisses for a Happy Valentine 🙂 <3
Happy Valentine’s Day cutie!
my loveeeeee mmmuack muack muack muack !!!!! #no1fan
sweet and Ali got cat nip hearts.
Happy Valentines Weekend,xx Speedy