Book Review: Tigger – Memoirs of a Cosmopolitan Cat

Hi everyone,

Today we are looking at the book Tigger: Memoirs of a Cosmopolitan Cat by Susanne Haywood. The paperback version of the book will be released tomorrow (28th of Jan 2015) and to celebrate this the ebook will be on Sale for 5 days from this day!


The author did an amazing job at writing out of the perspective of Tigger as the true story of his adventures across the globe get unveiled. His journey starts of in Western Australia before he has to follow his family on a long long journey to the USA!

But that is only the start of the journey! His family moves to a few more places across the journey and us readers get to experience it through the eyes of Tigger a smart ginger tomcat as he conquers challenges and grows wiser and older with each step.

Over-all verdict?

We loved the book! There are not many authors that are as empathic as Susanne and manage to have such a strong bond with their cat companion that they can produce a truly convincing view from their companions perspective. And this style of writing is exactly what enthralls us cat lovers / owners as we are able to relate to our own companions and their adventures, at times it feels like she must have been crawling along the floor with her companion to be able to really capture the cat point of view. You will not want to put the book down until you are done. 😉

Also the author was so kind to give us a chapter for free! So please click here (Opens on our subdomain) for the PDF of chapter 17.

If you would like to get the book yourself it is available from:

Paperback directly from the Publisher here.
Amazon UK by clicking here.
Amazon US by clicking here.
Amazon DE by clicking here.

Update: For US readers this is also available through Barns & Nobles here.

More about the author:


Susanne Haywood grew up in Austria, married an Englishman and spent most of her married life in Australia and in the United States before settling in Southern England, which makes her as cosmopolitan as her cat Tigger, who accompanied the family on all their travels. After a career as teacher, university lecturer and higher education manager she now devotes her time to writing. Having won some recognition in Australia for her short stories, she embarked upon the memoirs of Tigger, the world-travelling cat. An Australian story and a World War II biographical novel are also in the pipeline. Susanne has three children and lives with her husband, a fluctuating number of their young people and an assortment of animals in West Sussex, England.

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