Hi everyone!
So me and my sister were super excited when the postman came we other day! We took part in the secret paws 2014 event and wow were we amazed by the parcel!
Nubia: What is in it?!? I see white things and bird fishes – I think humans call them penguins?
Oliver: That’s Christmas wrapping paper Nubia… To make our presents pretty. 😀
Oliver: OMG! It’s a catnip banana!!!!! This is mine
Nubia: What about me???
Oliver: You can have it… later…
Nubia: Right once all your slobber is all over it… Thanks brother. 🙁
Oliver: Those crunches are MINE.
Nubia: Fine…. (He does have an evil glare atm… best to hide…)
Nubia: Feathers!!!! OMG MINE
Oliver: Nope I am going to lick those too! You can have the mices
Nubia: Mices??? REALLY? @__@” *DROOLS*
Oliver & Nubia: OMG! Such a feast!!!
Oliver & Nubia: Thank you very much to our Secret Paw for all the lovely presents (and box) from both of us. 😀
Signed by
His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief
Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace
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When I saw the goodies called Partie Mix I misread that – for Fartie Mix *I read far too often on English sites*
Party and Farty – sigh …
LOL! That would be an interesting treat product out if harry potter ;o
wow you were really spoilt with all those presents,xx Speedy
They loved them! 🙂
Does Oliver tend to hog things, at least at first?
Merry Christmas Oliver, Nubia and the Ghost Writer.
Haha he does Yvonne!!! Not always if it is a valerian toy he knows he is in no position to take it off her. But anything else he is like ME first.
Ms. Cali’s very Favorite Treaties are the Party Mix Crunchies!
Oh! Oli loves those!!!
You two really got some great stuff in the Secret Paws box. You are going to have some fun days and also some wonderful treats. Have a great day.
They say thanks. 😀
How exciting for Oliver and Nubia to get some more Christmas gifts, and with all that pretty wrapping paper!! Marc, you sure are able to enter their minds!! I love it. HAPPY, HAPPY, Kitties with a big box of gifts. Of course, they will fight over each and every thing!
These were chosen by our secret santa. 🙂 very impressed!
I just love kitties and I’ll be posting more about “cats and color” in 2015
Love it! looking forward to it 🙂
Kitty finds catnip to be a-peeling.
Well, personally, my favorite gift IS INDEED the catnip banana! It is so large, its almost the same size of the cats! And, when they wrap their paws around it, that is the MOST adorable sight. I wish they understood about sharing as there is clearly enough food, treats and TOYS too for BOTH cats!! Oliver and Nubia: Please don’t make your human feel bad or sad. He just wants you to SHARE. And, you are used to sharing the same toys….I promise you kitties: Marc will give you the VERY BEST CHRISTMAS; better than you could DREAM of. I do doubt, however, he is going to “release” a bunch of LIVE MICE for you to go and catch. You won’t even understand they are real anyway.
Kitties: Enjoy all your wonderful gifts; share them; I promise you there is ENOUGH for both of you. You might want to start arguing about WHO gets the BOX (when its empty)!
This is very cute, sweet and adorable. Those cats’ eyes cannot get any larger or brighter. And, Marc, doesn’t it make you feel GREAT every single time they get so HAPPY?? If Ms. Cali is happy with something for 5 minutes, then its a WIN!!!
Merry Christmas, beloved kitties who OWN Marc. Please do not push Marc around too much; as cute as you are, he does have limited patience. But, I promise you, he will give you all the gifts and he has MORE FOR LATER!!!
So, get all excited!!! Just wait until Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
Thank you Sheryl! And indeed there are more presents hidden haha. 🙂
Haha indeed
Wow, what pawsome presents!
Thank you goes to our secret paw. 🙂
Paw-geous presents! Enjoy Oliver and Nubia! ?
Thank you Ritu ^^
GLad your Secret Santa was good to you. Ours was good to us, we will post tomorrow.
Looking forward to see what you guys got!
Great presents! Who was your Secret Paw?
A secret 😉 but we loved their presents. 🙂
What a great package full of surprises. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy holidays.
Great box of surprises. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy holidays.
Thank you for checking out ours too. 🙂
How PAWSOME fur you two!!! Have fun!!???
What a haul…you too are getting spoilt…but you could always use more spoiling. Great fun. Try to share though and there is nothing wrong with spit on the banny, as I call it. We have one and spit adds to the catnip flavour….hehehe
Haha! Nubia doesnt like it when there is spit of her brother on HER toys tho 😉
ahahah ils sont tout content de découvrir les cadeaux, ça fait plaisir à voir en tout cas 😉
bonne soirée
Indeed! They really loved the presents our friends sent. 🙂 (And apologies my french is good enough to read but not so good anymore to write and speak!!!)
Oh Oliver-I love your little face! Merry Christmas 🙂
Thank you (he says 🙂 ) and merry christmas from all of us. 😀
I lol’d big time at “bird fishes” XD
Haha! Its the best of both worlds in Nubsey’s opinion. 😉
Enjoy your goodies, sweet cats! Life is mighty fine, isn’t?
Certainly was for them this weekend! 🙂 plus i had a cold so i was a super warm radiator to them. LOL
Yes, lt’s a fine life…. actually fine life and feline go very well together, just like Michelle ma belle…
This is an adorable story! I love the catnip banana 🙂 !!
Thank you Carol :). And yes thats Oliver’s favourite from the lot ^^
Gotta love those cats! Looks like they loved everything they got! 😀
Indeed they did. :). Especially the box and santa sock 😉
it’s wonderful how Sandy Paws knew exactly what they wanted. Merry Chirstmas to the cuties and the the fur baby parents. Happy New Year.
By the way I get my cats 1 toy, treats and some cool wet food every year. Santa Paws was good to them too.
Either I’m slowly turning into a cat or these two are becoming more human 😀 Congrats on the goodies and thanks for sharing the adventures 🙂
Haha! But they believe that they are people already. 😉
Haha! I’m learning that slowly 😀
Nubia and Oliver are two pampered pets… and afterwards they will also have the empty box to play in 🙂
The box was the only thing they actually fought over lol!
Pawsome gifts ! Purrs
Thank you. ^^ did you take part in the secret paw event too?