Hi everyone,
This saturday’s guest star of the day is Sasha written by his loving mommy Tina. Please find their story below:
I am a 2 year old Tortie female.
I was adopted on December 3,2012 mommy adopted me through a foster that was taking care of me she saw me at PetSmart in Charleston,WV. You see her kitty then at the time Angel was ill & had to be put to sleep.
I have 2 kitty brothers Midnight & Sylvester The Meezer
I am mischievous & very lovable one of my favorite things to do is get in & lay down in purses lol
When either my humans are in the kitchen I have a tendency to jump in the fridge Mol don’t worry I don’t get closed in.
I am a lucky kitty I know my human family loves me & my kitty brothers as well, yes I have my Tortitude but that’s my trademark
favorite food is temptations cat treats & Fancy Feast Classic wet food, I love toy mice, my Shrimpie & Yeeoowww catnip toys we have a banana an apple & a rainbow.
This was me at 3 months old when I was first adopted playing in my kitty tunnel ??
Here is a photo that another page did for me to raise money for KIN (Kitties In Need) a small donation & could create a fab photo here is me with my pink wig ??.
To those that follow my Facebook page thank you & new comers are always welcome love mew all by clicking here. ??
Sasha Kitty
Typist Mommy Tina
We hope you enjoyed their story and don’t forget to submit your own if you’d like to have a guest appearance!
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You are a very pretty cat, and you are in a loving home!
well that looks like a pampered kid!
Gorgeous eyes! A beautiful Kitty!
Looks just like my Kessy. Well, nearly … Sasha could be her sister.
🙂 i like cats with this colour. ^^
Before my Kessy I had not seen any cats of that colour. Chocolate-coloured, yes, tri-coloured yes, but not these three chocolate-colours on ONE cat. And never that dark …
I never saw them in Germany. Only after moving to the UK
Sie und ihre Schwester kamen aus Burgwedel oder Umgebung.
Ah! 🙂 Gibt es denn mittlerweile mehr in der Farbe in Deutschland?
Keine Ahnung, Kessy und ihre Schwester (Geschwister? Weiß nicht, ob die zwei die einzigen waren) wurden mit 7 Monaten “in the wild” gefangen.
Aber die häufigste Farbe bleibt ein Grautiger – gefolgt von den Schwabenkatzen wie FunTom. Ich habe Kessy von der Katzenhilfe Hannover und habe sie nur wegen ihres Verhaltens und ihrer langen Aufenthaltsdauer dort ausgesucht (sie war schon ein Jahr dort!)
Oh 🙁 es ist sehr schade wie lange manche Katzen auf ihr zuhause warten. Darum haben wir oliver und nubia ausgewählt. Schwarze und schwarzweisse brauchen hier immer am längsten!
Several beautiful torties have graced my life over the years. You look just as beautiful and special as they were.
Thank you ^^
Wow, very cute! We don’t seem to have torties in my area. I wonder why.
Hmmm that’s odd. There are many of them in the UK. I wonder if it’s more of a european bread?
Thank you 😀
Cool cat and I’m not saying that cos the kitty is posing next to a fridge.
Haha! 😀
Cute Kitty!
Pingback: Guest Star: Sasha Kitty | Graciela Marigual
Thank you! 😀
What a cute story and a uniquely beautiful kitty tortie! =^..^=
Thank you 🙂
I was fascinated by Sasha”s story as told by her mom.
Sasha is a character.
Thank you! Glad you liked their story 🙂
Oh what a lovely tortie girl! Thanks fur sharing!!
🙂 thank you. Maybe we should put up a story for you too? 😀
I’d like that, human!! ? “it’s all about cute little me…” Mol!
Drop us an email with photos and about yourself and we will put it up. ^^ info@katzenworld.co.uk
Yahooooo!!!!!! Thanks, Dude!?
Your cat likes purple?
My own two cats like purple! And as you can see so does Sasha 😉
that’s so cool – I like your cats. Keep posting, I’ll be sharing my as well.
Thank you ^^ and if youd like to have yours appear as a guest story – let me know. 🙂
that’s sweet – thank you!
Sasha- your cuteness & perseverance entitles you to your tortitude! 🙂
Beautiful cat. I imagine tortitude is something like the catitude we get around here. 🙂
Haha true ^^