Hi everyone,
Today we are looking at Valerian Toys. These valerian toys are produced by 4cats (click for more details) a German company. We will also be giving away one of these toys at the bottom of this post.
They are filled with Valerian root which is an alternative to catnip and not to be confused with it. While the smell of Valerian may be sometimes off-putting for us humans our cats sure LOVE it! 🙂
Just like with the catnip toys we previously reviewed here it is to note that not all cats will go mad for valerian.
It is said that on average between 50 and 70 percent of cats are attracted to this, which is why you may find that your own house tiger doesn’t go mad for it.
Recommendation is that you supervise your cat while playing with valerian toys and ensure to take the toy away once you believe they have played with it enough. If you own more than one cat you may want to put out two toys at the time. Check out our video what may happen otherwise. 😉
To make sure that your Valerian toys last longer you should seal them into plastic bags after each use. But please don’t forget to let them dry out before doing so! You may want to leave them on the top of a cupboard for that btw… otherwise the drying may not turn out too well. ;P
Time to look at the toys we got for the kitties.
With christmas just on the horizon we thought it be nice to get some themed toys! And aren’t they cute and christmasy :D? Available as gingerbread man, stocking and christmas parcel!
Nubsey didn’t even want to wait for them to be unpacked…
While Oliver was semi attracted by the valerian toys he wasn’t 100% sure about them. He is more of a catnip cat which brings us back to not treating these plants as identical!
Nubia on the other hand LOVED her gingerbread man. 🙂 Even with her three paws she had a lot of fun with the toy as you can see in the below video:
Have you watched the video carefully? Despite Oliver not liking valerian something happened towards the end of the video!
Now one of you lucky readers will have a chance to win ONE of the christmas toys! 🙂
Nubia will carefully choose your toy though needless to say it won’t be the gingerbread man unless you want it covered in cat slobber <3.
To enter our giveaway please click here.
You can gain entries with the following methods:
- Tweeting about this giveaway
- Following us on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest
- Following 4cats on Facebook
- Leaving a comment on this post stating you’d like to enter (These will be manually added to the giveaway by us)
For more details about 4cats please visit their website by clicking here. (Available in both German and English)
If you would like to find some for your kitties they are available in the UK from Specially 4 cats as well as in the purrfect box subscription service which we have talked about here.
We hope you enjoyed the post and we are looking forward to your entry for the giveaway! 🙂
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I’ll have to check in my pet-store just across the streets then – no need do ship it to Germany again.
Haha. Yeah you can get it in most pet shops in germany. :D. I’ll be getting some while in hannover ^^
Would love to win one for our Sonu Singh! He’s a crazy cat n needs more toys!!!!
Good luck 😀
Oh I would like to enter for my Cousin Guinevere,she lives next door with Daddy’s mum,xx Speedy
Oh! Good luck. :). Have you entered via the social media options or would you like me to enter you manually for this comment? ^^
Manually please,xx
Will do 🙂
I would like to enter. Have followed on twitter liked your facebook and shared.
Good luck amber 😀 will check all your entries got verified ^^
We have a couple of valerian toys but they don’t seem to attract us as much as nip toys do. But we’d love to give these toys a try!
🙂 good luck for your entry ^^
Such cute toys. I never knew cats like Valerian root, good to know.
They are also meant to be healthier for them! 🙂
Hello Marc-André,
Nubia is such a beauty!!
🙂 and she loves her toys haha
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