Guest Star: Ronronthérapie by Martine!

Hello Katzenworld,

I am Martine, creator of ronronthérapie page on Facebook. Ronronthérapie means “cat purr healing” in French.


I started this page in 2013 when I lost my beloved Kitty, a ginger, awesome cat of 12 years, who was the greatest purring cat ever.

Kitty used to sleep absolutely every night above my head, on my pillow and purr all night long. Unfortunately I also lost my second purring cat called Felix to cancer 6 months after Kitty died. I miss them so dreadfully. My page is dedicated to my sweet Kitty first of all, and to all the cats we miss and all the ones who bring us pure happiness daily, thanks to their purring power.

102_0296 102_0295 102_0294Purr healing  is so obvious for me. By posting links and pictures, I wish to demonstrate the benefits of cats purring to human beings.

All pictures are welcome and I am happy to like and share all other pages dedicated to cats all over the world!

Thank you to @KatzenworldBlog for posting my story and please come and visit Ronronthérapie on Facebook!


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23 thoughts on “Guest Star: Ronronthérapie by Martine!

  1. Kylee says:

    What a lovely and heart breaking story. I lost my Cat Cassy in January at age 10yrs. So i can definitly relate. Her health was deteriorating I think she was just ready to go. Will always remember her gentle soul. Lovely article.

  2. andromeda65 says:

    Thank you for sharing this….our precious pets will be a big part of our lives forever- whether they are in it or no longer there. The void they leave behind is too deep to even begin comprehending…

  3. weggieboy says:

    I’ve always had a soft spot for ginger cats. I lost Louie, my ginger cat, three years ago (1 August 2011). Though I now have two Persians I love dearly, Louie always is in my heart.

  4. The Presents of Presence says:

    Our precious Chessie who was a month away from 17 years old helped me through cancer by her purr therapy. I truly believe in it. Now her younger ‘sister’ gives fur therapy to our children. Cats are special. I love your blog and the FB page.

  5. Martine Vaudon says:

    thks soooooooooo much for inviting me, it really goes straight to my heart ! cats purr healing is really, really something that counts when you don’t feel well, it helps amazingly, and even when life is good, feeling the cat purring by your side is extremely comforting and relaxing, a pure moment of happiness

  6. Dennis the Vizsla says:

    hello katzenworld its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada is a big fan of cats purring my sister trouble yoozed to purr like a motorboat he sez!!! altho wen i wuz arownd she mostly hissd at me but i wil tayk his wurd for it!!! ok bye

    • Marc-André says:

      Thank you for your comment :). And yeah some cats don’t appreciate dogs :(. Not all are like that tho! My friends dog adopted a stray kitten and they became best friends 🙂

  7. Pingback: Mews: A Cats Purr healing power infographic | Katzenworld

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