Fake Scottish fold mode!
What just happened o.O”
(Note: My humans have all been obsessing over scottish folds, this isnt the first time I’ve been forced to go into fake scottish fold mode. I guess if it amuses them then I’m fine with it. Plus if i can go into fake scottish fold mode they wont need to get a real feline! Mwuahahahahaha! Such a successful plan! Have any of you guys experienced the same thing?)
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Just had to look that up….being Scottish and not knowing about Scottish folds. The things you learn on Katzenworld ha ha. Love your cats.
Haha, its very strange how alot of our scottish friends have no idea what they are… But they’re so popular in asia! Maybe they’ve all been moved over there =P
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Cute, a Transformer Kitty. 😀
They are very cute kitties Scottish Folds…my girls are quite happy I only play that game every now and then hahaaahah 🙂
Just don’t make me ask for a plaid bed…
Maru is probably the most famous YouTube Scottish Fold cat, but Funnycatsandnicefish features Scottish Fold kittens that are quite charming! I suspect anyone who’s watched any cat videos in the past five or six years knows Maru for his famous box exploits. He’s recently been joined by Hana, a new Scottish Fold kitten.
https://www.youtube.com/user/mugumogu (Japanese)
https://www.youtube.com/user/Funnycatsandnicefish (Russian)
Thank you for a very clear explaination of what a scottish fold really is =D may I add it to the end of the blog post? =p
Y’know, our mom has done that to us too. She calls us Yoda kitties. Sheesh.
MOL Mao now that’s a good plan. Good luck wiff dat.
Luv ya’
Nah, but she was contemplating studs, doh!