Hello everyone!
This is just a little reminder if you haven’t submitted your cat photo for our cat competition yet the deadline is the 5th of July.
The winner will receive their cat drawn as a cartoon cat in front / on top of their favourite place and will also receive a special biography feature on our Blog
To submit your photos please either add them to our Facebook event by clicking here or to our G+ event by clicking here. If it doesn’t let you access the G+ event please follow our G+ page first by clicking here.
And below is a gallery of some of the photos received so far for your to enjoy!
And if you have any questions leave us a comment! 🙂
The Katzenworld Team and cats
Visit our Shop for top-quality cat toys and cat lover products!
They are all pretty darn cute 🙂
Yeah! It will be difficult to choose the winner hehe 🙂
Thank you 😀